Our One Year Together
365 days with you.
The day we met.
Here begins a story of a boy whose life was changed forever the moment another casted him more than a single glance.
The day we became one.
A time where two became one and vowed to love and protect eachother until the end of time.
To the days ahead of us.
Life is full of adventure but the only ones I want to journey are the ones that have you beside me.
January 2019

The exact date isn't known, but the cold, bitter month of January within the year of 2019 is one that the young male could never forget. During this time, he was struggling through a sever spout of depression, an emotion so great that he felt as though he was suffocating on a daily basis; nothing but pure darkness surrounded him as he attempted to exist through every waking moment. the boy, as fragile as porcelain glass, felt as though he was all alone. he felt as though every human being that he came across was against him, hated him, or felt annoyed by him. it was a feeling that he had learned to live with all of his life, however, during this time, the feeling was stronger than he could manage. now, for a short period of time, he did belong to someone who he considered to be his "boyfriend". it was a person who he had grown rather attached to, and because of this attachment, his happiness was held within the grasp of this other male. but, over time, the young boy began to see less and less of the person of who he constantly refereed to as his lover, thus, the ounce of happiness that he had within him began to fade as well. this led to the boy feeling more lonely and isolated than before. for weeks, the isolation continued, and the pain that the boy felt within his heart continued to grow, surrounding him in another dark abyss that he couldn't find his way out of. day after day, he spent his moments alone, crying with his knees pulled tightly to his chest until he passed out due to exhaustion.
until a random stranger spoke to him with words so kind that he felt..relieved of any negative emotion for just a split second. this person, the one who spoke to him on a day that everyone else was avoiding him, was someone who he had never seen before. and yet, within minutes, the young boy found himself searching for the male's friendship. perhaps it was because of the kind words, or maybe it was because the male had zero knowledge of the boy that he spoke to, whatever the reason, the boy was drawn to him, his trust in the other already planted. over time, the two of them spent many days together, often just basking in the presence of the other as they were simply content with rambling about the most random of things. one day, however, things began to change. the boy gained a piece of information that completely shattered his heart and the first thing that he did was run into his new friend's arms. he spent quite a while within the other's comfort, and over a period of..maybe a week or so, the young boy began to develop a new attachment, one that was beyond confusing for him. for a while, he tried to compress the feelings, denying that they were anything more than attachment towards a friend, but then, one day, the boy asked the other if they could share a kiss. nothing huge. just a simple peck in order for him to differentiate the overwhelming feelings that he had bottled up-- and that's when he knew that his feelings towards the male was far more than what a friend would feel. over time, his feelings for the other began to grow, and, to much of his surprise, the male returned such feelings.
February 13, 2019 was the day that their journey together began as a fresh couple.
June 29th 2019

June 29, 2019--
Many people didn't think they would make it this far, infact, the young boy was amazed that the pair had even made it passed a month together himself. yet, on the 29th of June, just barely four months into being with one another. the two decided to take things beyond just boyfriend and boyfriend. it was the day that they decided to get married and a day that would mark one of the happiest days of the young boy's life. coming up to this day was not easy, though. since they had first gotten together back in February, the boy had many doubts about their relationship. it wasn't something that he could entirely help either. he was madly in love with the male but often wondered if they were moving too fast or if they were making a mistake. many people had tried to warn the male of the boy's toxic traits; he was clingy, possessive, whiny, overly sensitive and sometimes inconsiderate--all traits that the boy couldn't entirely deny. and he was ashamed of every last one of them. he hated how he was, and he hated his past that was filled with nothing but heartbreak after heartbreak. however, the one that he was deeply in love with never lost faith in him and he never chose the words of strangers over his love for the boy. this alone gave the young boy the strength he needed for the months that came. their wedding day was full of nothing but love for one another as well as love and support from their friends, bright colors of golden yellow illuminating the areas around them. their vows were simple yet sweet, each one of them promising to love and care for each other until they breathed their last breath. and, even then, they would find a way to continue loving each other if such a way was possible.
2020 and Forward

Yao... I have expressed my love for you so many times over the past year, so I apologize now for how..redundant this all will be. I truthfully wish I possessed an ounce of the creative talent that you have, but, alas, I do not have such a thing, so you have to suffer through me telling our love story as though it was, well, an actually story..up until now at least. Now is when I begin to get unbelievably sappy. Let's start with the simple fact that it's our one year (or two days before it, depends on when you receive this) and I can't..believe it. I'll be honest and say I didn't think we would make it this far, hell, I didn't even think we would make it to our one month mark. yet, here we are, having spent an entire YEAR together and I'm still so stupidly in love with you. How did we get here? How did I manage to get so lucky and end up with the sweetest, most understanding person I have ever met? I thought by now you would have surely ran away..and I wouldn't have blamed you if you did. Because, truthfully, I am a mess. I am still a wreck and I have such a long way to go before I even feel remotely sane. you have given me so much of your time, patience and love that I don't deserve any of it and I have no idea how i'm going to repay you back (as if my own love wasn't enough..it's not. it's really not and nothing you say will make me think otherwise). But, my god, I'm so glad that we met a year ago. honestly, if we didn't, I probably wouldn't be here rightnow and I say that without exaggeration. Yao..you truly have no idea just how many times your simple 'i love you's have stopped me from doing something I would have regretted . Your support has been enough to just get me out of bed everyday even though, most of the time, I don't want to. You are such a huge blessing to my life that I don't know what I would do if I were to ever lose you..and I suppose that's why I'm always so terrified of losing you. whenever i think of a life without you, all I see is darkness. I see my old self and a place that I never want to go back to and it's all so...suffocating. But you're my light. you're the person that I look forward to hearing from everyday. you're the person that just seeing your name is enough to put a smile on my face. every minute that we spend together, every game that we play together, every show that we watch together, every moment of silence that we spend together within eachother's arms is a moment that I cherish. they are moments of which I am the happiest, and I wouldn't change any of it at all. yes, we have our bad moments. we fight sometimes, lately more often than I would like to admit, but we always get through them, and I can't thank you enough for never giving up on me during any of those fights. you could have walked away. you could have said you were tired of trying to reassure me on a constant basis. tired of hearing about my fears. tired of having to sit through my mood drops. but you haven't..not once have you ever said that you were tired of me and I am beyond grateful for that. i..love you so very much. i love you so deeply that I can't even express it into words anymore..so I suppose this is all of me just saying how grateful I am. I love you, ri yue yao and I am so glad to be able to call you my husband and my best friend. I don't know what I would do without you at this point. This is all so cheesy but..Happy One Year and to the many years that comes after.